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  • Exploring the boundary of basic science knowledge is within the scope of the research

  • Several basic science projects had been progressed in the past years

  • The projects are in the area of imaging and data process, fundamental physics, and novel imaging modalities

  • Example applications:

    • Magneto-photoacoustic imaging​

    • Novel imaging modalities

    • Imaging process

    • Data analysis

    • Advanced beamforming


  1. Qu, Min, et al. "Magneto-photo-acoustic imaging." Biomedical optics express 2.2 (2011): 385-396.

  2. Mehrmohammadi, Mohammad, et al. "Pulsed magneto-motive ultrasound imaging using ultrasmall magnetic nanoprobes." Molecular imaging 10.2 (2011): 7290-2010.

  3. Basal, Lina A., et al. "Oxidation-responsive, EuII/III-based, multimodal contrast agent for magnetic resonance and photoacoustic imaging." ACS omega 2.3 (2017): 800-805.

  4. Mozaffarzadeh, Moein, et al. "Enhanced linear-array photoacoustic beamforming using modified coherence factor." Journal of biomedical optics 23.2 (2018): 026005.

  5. Shamekhi, Sadaf, et al. "Eigenspace-based minimum variance beamformer combined with sign coherence factor: Application to linear-array photoacoustic imaging." Ultrasonics 108 (2020): 106174.

  6. Yan, Yan, Wuming Jing, and Mohammad Mehrmohammadi. "Photoacoustic imaging to track magnetic-manipulated micro-robots in deep tissue." Sensors 20.10 (2020): 2816.

  7. Farnia, Parastoo, et al. "Photoacoustic-MR Image Registration Based on a Co-Sparse Analysis Model to Compensate for Brain Shift." Sensors 22.6 (2022): 2399.

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